Friday, March 9, 2012

Blinded by the Light

I have sensitive eyes, actually I really don't, there's no medical diagnosis to confirm that--that's just the excuse I use to justify my massive collection of sunglasses.  Truth be told there's nothing I hate more than the sun directly beaming straight into my eyeballs causing me to awkwardly squint to adjust my vision or attempt to shield it with my hand/arm.  It's awkward, it's uncomfortable, it's downright inconvienent so my solution is sunglasses.  The problem (besides the obvious shopping addiction) is that I have no designated place to keep these sunglasses, they are everywhere--my purse, hanging from my rearview mirror, my dresser, my vanity, my "junk drawer", the cats bed, my bed....EVERYWHERE.  I can never find a pair when I need them, when I do they're never the right ones and half the time they are broken because I left them someplace ridiculous. So my attempted solution to cure the sunglasses insanity? A sunglasses holder.  I know what your thinking---I say sunglasses holder and you see one of those revolving cases that adorne gas stations and department stores, while I'm up for the challege I simply just dont have the room, the energy or tons of extra cash to take on that big of a project so I came up with something quick, cheap and easy.

I started with a picture frame, a pillow case, my handy hot glue gun and my cat :)

Next, I cut the pillowcase along the seam so it laid flat, ironed out the wrinkles and fitted it to the back of the frame.
Using my hot glue gun to secure the fabric as I worked my way around.
I then attached a wire and fastened it to the back of the frame. 

I made sure that the wire was snug across the front

and reassembled the frame

I found this to be fuctional but a little boring, so I used some ribbon I had leftover from another project and came up with this

which I like a little better, I really like the way the solid teal contrasts with the polka dots. This one frame will not hold all of my sunglasses but it's a start! I may be able to add another row by moving the ribbon up or using the frame vertically-- but being so easy to create I may just use some different sized frames that I have around the house to create more storage; the best part is that this easily hangs on the wall, up and out of the way.

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